
Community lunch club
Every week we host a luncheon club for the over 60’s where a delicious home cooked meal is served. Diners can arrive early and enjoy the benefits of bottomless cups of tea or coffee and the papers of the day. Lunch is served at 12 o clock each week. After lunch, diners can choose to stay and take part in a variety of activities for example, prize bingo, quizzes and film club.
Community pop up
THURSDAY 2:00 – 3.15
A food sharing project offering surplus donated food. We aim to reduce food waste and food poverty in our community We also offer tea, coffee and biscuits and the opportunity to socialise. We are open from 2pm every Thursday. All are welcome.
Bounce and Play
EVERY SATURYDAY 10:00 – 12.00
A weekly space for children from 0-5 years of age to enjoy a soft play session within the Nave of the church. An opportunity for young people to socialise, enjoy good coffee and make new friends. All are welcome.

Parish Priest Fr Neil Walsh, The Vicarage, 15 Woodhouse Road, Leytonstone E11 3NG
Tel: 020 85190813 | Parish Mobile 07709611310 | e-mail
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