A warm welcome awaits you
St Margaret with St Columba is a vibrant, multi-cultural and inclusive welcoming church in the south of Leytonstone.

About us
We are part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Chelmsford and the Deanery of Walthamstow.

Our History
St Margaret’s originally an iron mission-built church, a daughter of St Johns the Baptist Leytonstone.

Life events
Baptism, thanksgiving, weddings, blessings and Funerals. We are here for you whatever the life event.

Community lunch club, community pop up and bounce and play are amongst our regular events.
For our latest news please click on the facebook icon or visit click here

Parish Priest Fr Neil Walsh, The Vicarage, 15 Woodhouse Road, Leytonstone E11 3NG
Tel: 020 85190813 | Parish Mobile 07709611310 | e-mail stmargarete11@gmail.com
St Margaret's supports the Church of England safeguarding policy.
Any concerns or queries please email our Safeguarding Team at: